Monday, March 23, 2015

My Sunshine

NEW .Atomic. {Vintage Kitten} Set 6 - TheKawaiiProject - Round 3

.Atomic. {Aphrodite} Floral Headpiece
.Atomic. Skin {Innocence}

NEW - REIGN.- Braided Sandals (Maitreya)- White - N21

NEW - +Half-Deer+ Little Charm Necklace - White Daisy (Med) - N21

Hair: +Spellbound+ Nightshade // Chapter I : Earth

Eyes: [Buzz] Celestial Eyes - Chocolate 

Maitreya Mesh Body

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kawaii = Innocence?

Not a likely story for the ones that know me or many others around me :)
 WL used with this photo is coastal afternoon I believe.
 I put a clear WL at the bottom :)
 Also, I would like to have Ivy's babies, please and thank you, that is all!

.Atomic. Skin {Innocence}

.Atomic. {Vintage Kitten} Set 2 Kawaii Project

Sweet Thing. Starcrossed Bag (Petal)
Sweet Thing. Sleepychi Charmed Necklace (Donuts) The Arcade

+Spellbound+ Nightshade II // Chapter I : Earth

[PL] CandyBow - Grape RARE

[Buzz] Aura Eyes - Sapphire [R] Kawaii Project

*MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper+Lower

Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V2.1

Screen shots of the necklace and bag since SL is being a heffer and not letting me save snapshots. D:

Also, I am going to point out the little black dot in the last screen shot. It's called an ankle lock. USE ONE. I see these awesome photos out there and then I look down and the ankles are all distorted and I want to punch my computer! The one I use is called :unBra: Ankle Lock (Boot Fixer) HUD, there may even be a free one on mp, I dunno but seriously, save my computer! lol

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pastel Nahms!

A very big thank you to my sponsors as I continue to go through my computer issues!
The jagged lines with soon disappear! lol
No editing with this photo, ultra with calWL

*SUGARUSH _ Alice _Beige_04_Eyebrow B ♥
*SUGARUSH  _ Maitreya Mesh Body Skin Applier - Beige

Bishes Inc- Laced Lingerie Lightblue ♥

(Yummy) Shining Crystal Necklace - Silver

*MUKA* Ari Belly Chain - Shape 1 - Anybody Event

#adored - moon eyes - coal // b - Skin Fair

::Modish:: [Face Enhancement] Eyebags- came with ::Modish:: Elyze Skins - Skin Fair

*MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper+Lower

(Chemistry) Hair - Prue bangs (not rigged)*hint, turn full bright on with the bangs for a better match*
(Chemistry) Hair - Sirena (XLong)(Rigged)

Mesh Body
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V2.1

Omega System Relay HUD for Maitreya v.03

**Just a note: So, I was supposed to get my brand new tower and such on Thursday that a friend kindly put together for me.....but of course, it's now lost in the mail. #willneveruseuspsagain . I am starting to think it is destine for me not to have better graphics.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Taking in the warmth....while it lasts.

I thought while I didn't freeze my bum off today in 1st life, I would take a picture some place nice and warm! So sick of this cold weather but warmth is on it's way! Not sure how long it will last though in my neck of the woods lol. Anyway, make sure you check out the outfit! The outfit suits me on a normal day lol casual and comfy! I love when I am able to put 3 of my sponsors into one post! xD

*SUGARUSH _ Isla _Medium_ 04 _Eyebrow B
*SUGARUSH _ Maitreya Mesh Body Skin Applier - Medium

Bishes Inc ~ Ripped Denim
Blueberry - Knotted Shirts - Maitreya

(Chemistry) Hair - Hera part
[Buzz] Lillian Eyes - Sapphire
*MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper+Lower

Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V2.1

Pose: Signature Pose - Queen of Air and Light_001

Location: Elysion Adult Lounge

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

CupcakStamp's Not so Real Estate

My clothing will be on another blog post coming soon!
There are also pictures that you can make bigger below for better viewing :D

Trompe Loeil - Shotgun Shack Prytania - Arcade March '15

MadPea Buried Info!
MadPea Buried Water Bottle
MadPea Buried Binoculars Wearable

MadPea Wrinkle Free (Rare)
MadPea Space for Dreaming (Rare)
MadPea Spotless Floors
MadPea Pure Mind
MadPea Ex-boyfriend's Junk
MadPea Shiny Shoes
MadPea Stainless Toilet
All of these can be found at the Arcade March 2015!

{what next} Princess Helicopter Arcade March '15

{what next} Rustic Bramley Porch Swing
{what next} Cottage Washing Line
{what next} Bear Canyon Sleeping Bag #1
{what next} CampOut Stool (camo)

LAQ Decor ~ Toilet (Wood)

[*Art Dummy!] and we fall. (bed) (not available that I know of)